SQL Query to get Vendor's GST number in AX 2012

In this article we will see about how to get GST number of vendor through SQL Query.

Using SQL query we can get it.

SELECT vendtable.accountnum,
       ISNULL(taxinformationvendtable_in.pannumber, '') AS [PANNUMBER],
       ISNULL(taxregistrationnumbers_in.registrationnumber, '') AS [GST IN]
FROM vendtable
LEFT JOIN dirpartytable ON dirpartytable.recid = vendtable.party
LEFT JOIN logisticslocation ON logisticslocation.recid = dirpartytable.primaryaddresslocation
LEFT JOIN taxinformation_in ON taxinformation_in.registrationlocation = logisticslocation.recid
AND taxinformation_in.isprimary = 1
LEFT JOIN taxregistrationnumbers_in ON taxregistrationnumbers_in.recid = taxinformation_in.gstin
LEFT JOIN taxinformationvendtable_in ON taxinformationvendtable_in.vendtable = vendtable.accountnum
AND taxinformationvendtable_in.dataareaid = vendtable.dataareaid
WHERE vendtable.dataareaid = 'AP'

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